An Unexpected Journey [Tape]
- Price:
$9.95 $1.50 (85% Off)
Tape (1 Audio Cassette)
- Year Released: 1997
- Content: Music and Lecture
- Only Available at MichaelBallam.com
A Message of Encouragement and Hope
for Everyone
Tools for finding peace and joy amidst
tribulation are illuminated in this heart-warming story of Benjamin. Michael
and Laurie Ballam describe in word and song the joys and challenges of nurturing
a child with special needs, with a universal message of encouragement and hope.
Songs Include:
- "Far Different Places,"
by Janice Kapp Perry
- "Love is a Very Light Thing,"
from Fanny, by Harold Rome
- "That's Enough,", by
Deanna Edwards
- "The Promise," by Janice
Kapp Perry
With special thanks to Neil A.
and Colleen Maxwell, whose courage and devout example have given us strength
and understanding.
Songs Include: |
- Far Different Places
- Love is a Very Light Thing
- That's Enough
- The Promise