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Mar 30, 2025 6:31:14 PM
Seek After These Things [CD]
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  • Price:  $14.95
  • CD (1 Audio Compact Disc)
  • Year Released: 2003
  • Content: Music and Lecture
  • Only Available at MichaelBallam.com

Seek After These Things And Fulfill Your Divine Destiny

Like Queen Esther and the Apostle Paul of old, we too have been reserved for “such an time as this,” with a unique mission that we alone can fulfill. We must arm ourselves with tools of the spirit to meet today’s challenges and reach our noble destiny.

In his uniquely motivating way, Michael Ballam draws upon the admonition of Paul, to “seek after virtuous and praiseworthy things” as the key to finding strength and fortifying ourseves and our loved ones. He reaches into the heart to deliver this simple but eloquent message of inspiration.

Songs Include:
  1. Precious Lord, Take My Hand  (00:02:23)
  2. O God, Where Are Thou?  (00:04:04)
  3. The Test  (00:04:43)
  4. We Seek After These Things  (00:03:01)
  5. St. Matthew Passion  (00:00:50)
  6. Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring  (00:00:55)
  7. How Will They Know?  (00:02:11)

© Phoenix Productions