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Hear Ye Israel Vol 2 (David - Modern Israel) [CD]
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  • Price:  $19.95
  • CD (2 Audio Compact Discs)
  • Year Released: 2010
  • Content: Music and Lecture
  • Only Available at MichaelBallam.com

  • This Product is Currently

Lessons from the Bible
Volume Two: DavidModern Israel

Ancient messages become current, vibrant, and vital when seen through the unique perspective of Dr. Ballam in a musical journey through ancient and modern Israel.

Dr. Ballam’s rich and extensive association with Israel adds a personal and compelling element to this intimate examination of the teachings and messages from the prophets. Feel yourself drawn into the passion and pathos of God’s covenant people, illuminated through story and song as only Michael Ballam can portray.

Gain new insights into the principles of obedience, sacrifice, forgiveness, the Law, consecration, and peace through the poetry and power of King David, the eloquence and insight of Isaiah, the magnificence of Moses, from the beginning of time to our modern day. This exquisitely performed work draws upon the synergy of historical and contemporary musical settings.

Having lived in Jerusalem during the turbulent times surrounding the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin, Dr. Ballam brings first-hand perspective to the past and present.

A Doctor of Music History and Literature, Michael Ballam has an understanding of Judaic history and music as well as ancient and modern Hebrew which has been enhanced through his studies with the faculties of Hebrew University, the Ulpan Beth ha Am, Heritage Arts Foundation, and the Great Synagogue of Jerusalem.

Songs Include:

  • David
    • How Excellent Is thy Name by Tom Fettke

  • Solomon
    • Sheyibone Beis Hamikdosh by Yisroel H. Schorr

  • Elijah
    • Lord God of Abraham from “Elijah” by Felix Mendelssohn
    • It Is Enough from “Elijah” by Felix Mendelssohn

  • Elisha
    • Sh’ma Kolenu by Max Helfman

  • Isaiah
    • Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive and O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings from “Messiah” by George F. Handel
    • How Beautiful Upon the Mountains by F. Flaxington Harker

  • Zionism
    • Exodus Song by Pat Boone & Ernest Gold
    • Havenu Shalom Alechem, Israeli Song
    • Jerushalaim shel zahav (Jerusalem of Gold) by N. Shemer
    • Hatikvah, Israeli National Anthem

Songs Include:
  1. How Excellent Is thy Name  
  2. Sheyibone Beis Hamikdosh  
  3. Lord God of Abraham  
  4. It Is Enough  
  5. Shma Kolenu  
  6. Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive  
  7. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings  
  8. How Beautiful Upon the Mountains  
  9. Exodus Song  
  10. Havenu Shalom Alechem  
  11. Jerushalaim shel zahav (Jerusalem of Gold)  
  12. Hatikvah  

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